Monday, January 18, 2010

4×4 inclinometer

For those who are interested in knowing how steep is your N900, or the object that supports it. Meet the 4×4 inclinometer.

I developed it to use in my car, hence the name 4×4 inclinometer. Using this application I can know the slope of the obstacles or the ground below my car.

According to the manual of the car, it can be in an angle of heel of 45 degrees with no problem, something higher than this is at my own risk. When I read this information, just imagined the software for the N900)

The current version depends on Qt 4.6 with the animation framework. The animation is used to rotate the images of the car, smoothing the movement. I am not an expert in gimp, so forgive me for the images poorly done. Next version I will put a simple support for themes.

The intallation files are already in extras-devel, so you just need to apt-get it. And the sources are available at:

The car image and the application background are Trademark of Troller Veiculos Especias S/A,

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Poulsbo @MeeGo

While I was trying to leave my MeeGo usable and secure, the need to put my video driver to work properly appeared because I was getting annoyed with the fact that I haven’t the “official” MeeGo Ui running yet.

The chipset is a Poulsbo. It is in the list of not supported hardwares on MeeGo (, but, somehow Mandriva and others distros make use of it, so I decide to take a look by my self.

The posts from Adam Williamson ( were very useful and based on that I decided to take a look at Mandriva’s svn (, just to try to port something that already exists to MeeGo platform.

Another good resource is:

With all that information I started to port the packages to MeeGo, creating the rpm specs in order to generate the packages. I did not have time to finish all packages yet, the Xorg driver is still missing. The kernel driver and others required packages are available on my MeeGo repo. It means good framebuffer screen and cool Xfce session, but not MeeGo UI yet.

A new Kernel is required to be installed since happened a conflict or something like that with another module which was compiled built-in in the official Kernel. As I said, the Xorg driver is still missing. I will work on that as soon as I find some time to do it.

The packages are available on my MeeGo repo, at:

The packages are:
  • psb-firmware
  • psb-kernel-modules
  • kernel-netbook-psb
  • psb-kernel-source
  • kernel-netbook-psb-devel

Friday, January 1, 2010

tcpdump && lipcap on extras-devel

For those who are playing with Maemo and network, now are available at Maemo extras-devel {fremantle|diablo} the tcpdump package and its dependency (libpcap) working like a charm.

Iptables on extras devel

The iptables package is on Maemo extras devel. There is no support for connection state on the device Kernel consequently the NAT is not working. I tried to compile the modules, but I found myself in trouble trying to load them at the device. If you want to flash a kernel with support for connection state there is one available at my personal repository (read: mWall :: netfilter + ui for maemo for more information). Another discussion about that modules can be found: here.